4296 rank

221,137 points

233 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Arvahall 4267 rocco 38,248,628 7,947
Cirgard 4141 rocco 35,990,662 7,860
rocco    De Veroveraars
Brisgard 4325 rocco De Veroveraars 31,712,018 6,818
rocco    the master
Dinegu 5761 rocco the master 9,656,549 2,698
rocco    De overwinnaars
East-Nagach 4658 rocco De overwinnaars 9,021,934 2,751
rocco    Game of Thrones
Fel Dranghyr 3163 rocco Game of Thrones 8,402,923 2,173
rocco    The Jurassic World🦖
Greifental 4296 rocco The Jurassic World🦖 221,137 233