2073 rank

3,876,831 points

7,616 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
marie63    Mustang
East-Nagach 333 marie63 Mustang 810,080,790 299,617
marie63    Het Slapende Paard
Arvahall 6010 marie63 Het Slapende Paard 12,808,724 19,467
marie63    *Rustig*
Brisgard 5938 marie63 *Rustig* 10,918,735 20,104
marie63    ⚔ Legion of Legends
Fel Dranghyr 3056 marie63 ⚔ Legion of Legends 8,859,354 16,900
marie63    +rustig+
Greifental 2073 marie63 +rustig+ 3,876,831 7,616