4307 rank

178,631 points

333 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
PatrickV    Empire of joy
Brisgard 6831 PatrickV Empire of joy 6,136,042 2,030
PatrickV    raven empire
Arvahall 8265 PatrickV raven empire 2,928,530 1,118
PatrickV    Omelette du Fromage
Cirgard 8719 PatrickV Omelette du Fromage 1,483,386 1,209
PatrickV    Brabantiana
Dinegu 8384 PatrickV Brabantiana 1,406,355 1,049
PatrickV    TakayShugoi
East-Nagach 7732 PatrickV TakayShugoi 771,599 810
PatrickV    De Muziekanten
Fel Dranghyr 5878 PatrickV De Muziekanten 544,322 735
PatrickV    The Road to Divide
Greifental 4307 PatrickV The Road to Divide 178,631 333