4183 rank

209,479 points

174 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
axlrose    The 300
Cirgard 1424 axlrose The 300 281,055,614 83,229
axlrose    Battlefield ★★★★★
Arvahall 1864 axlrose Battlefield ★★★★★ 201,555,176 76,219
axlrose    TNT Jagers
Brisgard 2157 axlrose TNT Jagers 142,498,554 44,315
axlrose    Guns & Roses
Dinegu 3989 axlrose Guns & Roses 32,664,773 6,071
axlrose    Liberty
East-Nagach 5482 axlrose Liberty 4,553,078 2,518
axlrose    rustig aan
Fel Dranghyr 5032 axlrose rustig aan 1,075,006 1,090
axlrose    professionele gamers
Greifental 4183 axlrose professionele gamers 209,479 174