2325 rank

2,805,895 points

4,917 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Kitty The Cat    The White Horse
Arvahall 6990 Kitty The Cat The White Horse 7,071,284 7,885
Kitty The Cat    The White Horse
Dinegu 6346 Kitty The Cat The White Horse 6,449,726 6,159
Kitty The Cat    The White Horse
Cirgard 6849 Kitty The Cat The White Horse 5,906,395 6,497
Kitty The Cat   
Brisgard 6937 Kitty The Cat 5,717,046 6,971
Kitty The Cat    The White Horse
Fel Dranghyr 3620 Kitty The Cat The White Horse 5,248,678 6,443
Kitty The Cat   
East-Nagach 5646 Kitty The Cat 4,046,992 7,382
Kitty The Cat    Rustig aan.
Greifental 2325 Kitty The Cat Rustig aan. 2,805,895 4,917