477 rank

61,026,470 points

20,630 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Youss 88    The Wild Bunch
Dinegu 57 Youss 88 The Wild Bunch 2,406,520,576 458,059
Youss 88    Afterlife
Cirgard 1156 Youss 88 Afterlife 333,133,802 88,660
Youss 88    🦉Owls & Unicorns🦄
Greifental 477 Youss 88 🦉Owls & Unicorns🦄 61,026,470 20,630
Youss 88    andalusie
Brisgard 5996 Youss 88 andalusie 10,032,852 7,253
Fel Dranghyr 3198 Youss 88 CAMELOT'S RIDDERS 6,889,687 7,303
Youss 88    King Arthurs Ridders
Arvahall 7244 Youss 88 King Arthurs Ridders 5,721,506 7,809
Youss 88    Launcelot Du Lac
East-Nagach 5235 Youss 88 Launcelot Du Lac 5,364,809 4,010