2799 rank

653,364 points

1,322 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
mercure b    the north 2018
Arvahall 1045 mercure b the north 2018 351,691,978 106,523
mercure b    Angels Legends
Brisgard 3018 mercure b Angels Legends 63,815,867 24,710
mercure b    Rustgilde ;-)
Cirgard 6017 mercure b Rustgilde ;-) 9,423,579 5,448
mercure b    013 Brabant
Fel Dranghyr 5144 mercure b 013 Brabant 841,228 639
mercure b    The South 2022
Greifental 2799 mercure b The South 2022 653,364 1,322