1686 rank

5,698,858 points

5,021 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Silver21    The Eagles
Arvahall 1695 Silver21 The Eagles 209,715,621 39,580
Silver21    Night's Watch 21
Cirgard 3476 Silver21 Night's Watch 21 50,821,940 10,478
Silver21    House of Batiatus
Brisgard 3586 Silver21 House of Batiatus 46,366,633 11,805
Silver21    Legio XXI Noctis
Dinegu 3610 Silver21 Legio XXI Noctis 39,862,469 10,695
Silver21    The Empire
Fel Dranghyr 2066 Silver21 The Empire 21,860,256 9,572
Silver21    Flemish Legion
East-Nagach 3783 Silver21 Flemish Legion 16,009,669 8,750
Silver21    The Eagles
Greifental 1686 Silver21 The Eagles 5,698,858 5,021