780 rank

13,951,325 points

4,492 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
united1980    Vikings of the North
Cirgard 42 united1980 Vikings of the North 1,609,135,959 364,555
united1980    Sør Viking
Arvahall 802 united1980 Sør Viking 19,202,082 4,526
united1980    Karks helsprøe klan
Brisgard 780 united1980 Karks helsprøe klan 13,951,325 4,492
united1980    Thekings&Queens
East-Nagach 627 united1980 Thekings&Queens 7,297,257 2,396
Dinegu 924 united1980 7,078,539 4,533