570 rank

62,080,708 points

40,300 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
The Infamous    🌒 Λʀ†ᴇᴍɪꜱ 🌒
Dinegu 1 The Infamous 🌒 Λʀ†ᴇᴍɪꜱ 🌒 4,045,364,252 836,511
The Infamous    Fremtiden
East-Nagach 201 The Infamous Fremtiden 141,504,316 73,588
The Infamous    Fremtiden
Arvahall 480 The Infamous Fremtiden 79,776,579 45,135
The Infamous    Diamantjakten
Brisgard 435 The Infamous Diamantjakten 73,459,428 43,030
The Infamous    Fremtiden
Cirgard 570 The Infamous Fremtiden 62,080,708 40,300