3 rank

3,976,345,805 points

900,872 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Maze    🌟Nebula Tarantula🌟
Dinegu 3 Maze 🌟Nebula Tarantula🌟 3,976,345,805 900,872
Maze    Vikings of the North
Cirgard 446 Maze Vikings of the North 120,229,798 47,693
Maze    Mazikeen sin by 💃🏼
Brisgard 390 Maze Mazikeen sin by 💃🏼 101,613,635 61,629
Maze    Legends of Gråbein🐺
East-Nagach 313 Maze Legends of Gråbein🐺 67,725,363 40,216
Arvahall 3476 Maze 252 0