541 rank

48,130,724 points

25,083 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
snitch    The Rebel Alliance
Cirgard 70 snitch The Rebel Alliance 1,191,287,294 276,391
snitch    ☀️The Empire☀️
East-Nagach 63 snitch ☀️The Empire☀️ 718,256,130 196,058
snitch    Null Stress! ;-)
Arvahall 343 snitch Null Stress! ;-) 175,441,414 47,441
Brisgard 393 snitch PAUSEROMMET 100,064,268 21,324
snitch    🌒 Λʀ†ᴇᴍɪꜱ 🌒
Dinegu 541 snitch 🌒 Λʀ†ᴇᴍɪꜱ 🌒 48,130,724 25,083