261 rank

397,284,019 points

196,700 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Diabel88    Shot In The Dark
Cirgard 105 Diabel88 Shot In The Dark 2,638,562,093 445,358
Diabel88    CubeTurboLibre
Korch 261 Diabel88 CubeTurboLibre 397,284,019 196,700
Diabel88    4Ever
Brisgard 2880 Diabel88 4Ever 205,701,761 104,668
Diabel88    El Nido 🔆
Houndsmoor 2304 Diabel88 El Nido 🔆 171,308,436 99,525
Diabel88    LUZAKI
East-nagach 3712 Diabel88 LUZAKI 135,578,141 93,647
Diabel88    Dragoni
Langendorn 1264 Diabel88 Dragoni 41,293,868 68,382