8062 rank

20,075,542 points

7,830 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
apap64    Angels of the future
East-nagach 7652 apap64 Angels of the future 20,885,258 7,792
apap64    strefa 51
Arvahall 8925 apap64 strefa 51 20,477,176 7,990
apap64    WYJATKOWI
Brisgard 8062 apap64 WYJATKOWI 20,075,542 7,830
apap64    Białystok
Jaims 4023 apap64 Białystok 19,843,155 7,522
apap64    PERSEUSZ
Fel Dranghyr 8125 apap64 PERSEUSZ 18,292,289 7,978