22600 rank

103,344 points

92 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Zubot    Torcida
Houndsmoor 12604 Zubot Torcida 1,059,699 681
Zubot    Asgard
Jaims 10240 Zubot Asgard 644,059 501
Zubot    Rycerska Brać
East-nagach 19400 Zubot Rycerska Brać 208,242 199
Zubot    The Christians
Cirgard 21930 Zubot The Christians 164,228 92
Fel Dranghyr 20154 Zubot 157,143 149
Zubot    Mineta
Dinegu 20765 Zubot Mineta 153,397 102
Zubot    Misie Królisie
Korch 8975 Zubot Misie Królisie 140,856 365
Zubot    tygrys
Greifental 20685 Zubot tygrys 104,897 70
Zubot    Warriors Valhalla
Arvahall 25223 Zubot Warriors Valhalla 104,501 51
Zubot    takatam
Brisgard 22600 Zubot takatam 103,344 92