10409 rank

8,566,563 points

11,830 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
masha999    The end of beginning
Cirgard 4895 masha999 The end of beginning 88,743,859 67,822
masha999    PSZÓW
Brisgard 5122 masha999 PSZÓW 74,660,375 43,136
masha999    Od A do Z
Houndsmoor 3938 masha999 Od A do Z 69,196,934 34,430
Dinegu 10409 masha999 8,566,563 11,830
masha999    The end A
Arvahall 11910 masha999 The end A 8,506,502 5,195
masha999    The end F
Fel Dranghyr 13890 masha999 The end F 1,528,839 1,167