5881 rank

40,186,878 points

9,049 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Aion Reaper    Przystań
Brisgard 11 Aion Reaper Przystań 4,028,596,598 1,333,204
Aion Reaper    绝命逃亡
Arvahall 6131 Aion Reaper 绝命逃亡 48,092,656 10,151
Aion Reaper    Darkness Falls
Dinegu 5695 Aion Reaper Darkness Falls 46,703,356 8,853
Aion Reaper    Fire & Fury
Fel Dranghyr 5755 Aion Reaper Fire & Fury 43,570,522 9,417
Aion Reaper    Crimson Pirate
Cirgard 6025 Aion Reaper Crimson Pirate 41,276,481 9,713
Aion Reaper    Edge of Sanity
East-nagach 5881 Aion Reaper Edge of Sanity 40,186,878 9,049
Aion Reaper    Heaven's Gate
Houndsmoor 4710 Aion Reaper Heaven's Gate 34,942,180 7,686
Aion Reaper    Graveyard
Greifental 5905 Aion Reaper Graveyard 32,001,687 8,118
Aion Reaper    Justice for all
Jaims 4484 Aion Reaper Justice for all 12,512,235 4,126
Aion Reaper    Kreator
Korch 4216 Aion Reaper Kreator 1,966,723 1,524
Aion Reaper    Lost city
Langendorn 4436 Aion Reaper Lost city 697,321 1,040