11164 rank

5,466,454 points

2,105 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Kacper69    Zorza&Ghost
East-nagach 17 Kacper69 Zorza&Ghost 4,243,720,487 1,067,728
Kacper69    Kacper
Cirgard 10323 Kacper69 Kacper 9,945,299 2,071
Kacper69    Gildia SPOKO
Arvahall 12171 Kacper69 Gildia SPOKO 7,553,743 2,249
Kacper69    Team Fighters
Dinegu 11010 Kacper69 Team Fighters 6,574,375 3,294
Kacper69    The Dark Side
Brisgard 11461 Kacper69 The Dark Side 6,131,514 2,119
Kacper69    blade loki
Fel Dranghyr 11164 Kacper69 blade loki 5,466,454 2,105
Kacper69    miotacze
Greifental 11772 Kacper69 miotacze 3,255,878 1,388
Kacper69    Templarius
Houndsmoor 14296 Kacper69 Templarius 545,236 982
Kacper69    na wypasie😎
Jaims 10786 Kacper69 na wypasie😎 497,335 687
Kacper69    CV FARMA
Korch 8024 Kacper69 CV FARMA 234,207 471
Kacper69    szmaragdowa korona
Langendorn 7706 Kacper69 szmaragdowa korona 113,642 312