20135 rank

131,323 points

298 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
StrategistPawel38118    Na luzie
Brisgard 18587 StrategistPawel38118 Na luzie 423,164 495
StrategistPawel38118    Atlantyda C
Cirgard 19118 StrategistPawel38118 Atlantyda C 416,823 560
StrategistPawel38118    MJM
Arvahall 21326 StrategistPawel38118 MJM 351,536 487
StrategistPawel38118    dora
Dinegu 19676 StrategistPawel38118 dora 229,908 312
East-nagach 20078 StrategistPawel38118 160,581 252
StrategistPawel38118    The Orginals
Fel Dranghyr 20397 StrategistPawel38118 The Orginals 143,683 252
StrategistPawel38118    -CABARET-
Greifental 20135 StrategistPawel38118 -CABARET- 131,323 298
StrategistPawel38118    Ryczerze Galaktyki
Langendorn 8523 StrategistPawel38118 Ryczerze Galaktyki 66,632 156
Jaims 15433 StrategistPawel38118 66,038 137
StrategistPawel38118    Nowicjat
Korch 10385 StrategistPawel38118 Nowicjat 65,505 116