309 rank

1,288,947,518 points

295,115 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Vel Alexander    KAWIARENKA
Houndsmoor 309 Vel Alexander KAWIARENKA 1,288,947,518 295,115
Vel Alexander    Call of Cthulhu-LUZ
Greifental 2503 Vel Alexander Call of Cthulhu-LUZ 211,109,877 136,700
Vel Alexander    LABRADOR
Fel Dranghyr 7580 Vel Alexander LABRADOR 24,641,940 94,095
Vel Alexander    ⚔The Settlers ⚔
Korch 2656 Vel Alexander ⚔The Settlers ⚔ 11,901,727 48,589
Vel Alexander    ZJEDNOCZENI
Langendorn 2705 Vel Alexander ZJEDNOCZENI 8,498,844 39,971