11744 rank

347,388 points

148 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Bolesław happy    Kingdom of light
Arvahall 7162 Bolesław happy Kingdom of light 32,267,977 3,428
Bolesław happy    Kingdom of light
Brisgard 14542 Bolesław happy Kingdom of light 1,719,501 475
Bolesław happy    Kingdom of light
Cirgard 15896 Bolesław happy Kingdom of light 1,222,686 311
Bolesław happy    Na luzie 1
Jaims 11744 Bolesław happy Na luzie 1 347,388 148
Bolesław happy    Boliny
Greifental 21913 Bolesław happy Boliny 108,583 45
Bolesław happy    Spoko
Korch 9108 Bolesław happy Spoko 87,439 25
Bolesław happy    Cienie 1
Langendorn 8459 Bolesław happy Cienie 1 40,417 43