295 rank

702,150,838 points

186,422 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
amgranja    *Resistence*
Arvahall 295 amgranja *Resistence* 702,150,838 186,422
amgranja    Resistence (B)
Brisgard 1325 amgranja Resistence (B) 61,300,126 27,762
amgranja    ॐ< THE BLUE >ॐ
Cirgard 1349 amgranja ॐ< THE BLUE >ॐ 53,150,081 22,216
amgranja    🏴‍☠️RESISTENCE🏴‍☠️
Dinegu 1246 amgranja 🏴‍☠️RESISTENCE🏴‍☠️ 44,344,256 18,714
amgranja    Resistence
East-Nagach 1299 amgranja Resistence 7,367,915 5,099