1843 rank

27,129,292 points

14,980 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Poet of Illusion    Velha Guarda
Cirgard 58 Poet of Illusion Velha Guarda 2,269,557,802 407,245
Poet of Illusion    Kickass Kika
Dinegu 1039 Poet of Illusion Kickass Kika 72,803,552 28,233
Poet of Illusion    VIRUS
Arvahall 1551 Poet of Illusion VIRUS 50,489,400 27,220
Poet of Illusion    templáriosolitário
East-Nagach 706 Poet of Illusion templáriosolitário 45,501,999 17,109
Poet of Illusion    templários nortada
Brisgard 1843 Poet of Illusion templários nortada 27,129,292 14,980