2126 rank

16,946,823 points

1,439 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
lancelot64    The Notorius
Dinegu 1511 lancelot64 The Notorius 26,921,906 3,229
lancelot64    *** SHANGRI-LA ***
Arvahall 2128 lancelot64 *** SHANGRI-LA *** 18,350,087 1,939
lancelot64    Konios
East-Nagach 1011 lancelot64 Konios 17,975,535 2,115
lancelot64    Olisipo
Brisgard 2126 lancelot64 Olisipo 16,946,823 1,439
lancelot64    Gladiators of Devil
Cirgard 2071 lancelot64 Gladiators of Devil 14,469,007 1,017