5639 rank

51,312 points

85 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
zipadol    🔥 SHINIFIGHTERS 🔥
Arvahall 72 zipadol 🔥 SHINIFIGHTERS 🔥 1,680,899,931 508,337
zipadol    eheh
Dinegu 861 zipadol eheh 105,284,674 63,932
zipadol    band of brothers
East-Nagach 2361 zipadol band of brothers 524,973 2,339
Brisgard 5188 zipadol 136,341 218
zipadol    ƨuᴙvivσᴙƨ
Cirgard 5639 zipadol ƨuᴙvivσᴙƨ 51,312 85