458 rank

112,344,144 points

55,942 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Nuno The Sherminator   
Dinegu 347 Nuno The Sherminator 422,635,476 130,164
Nuno The Sherminator   
Arvahall 895 Nuno The Sherminator 165,057,683 70,540
Nuno The Sherminator   
Cirgard 965 Nuno The Sherminator 127,549,983 61,736
Nuno The Sherminator   
Brisgard 976 Nuno The Sherminator 123,652,012 59,103
Nuno The Sherminator   
East-Nagach 458 Nuno The Sherminator 112,344,144 55,942