3461 rank

16,509,981 points

13,555 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
P.I.F.    Phoenix of Empire
Brisgard 59 P.I.F. Phoenix of Empire 2,686,751,998 657,008
P.I.F.    S R M
Arvahall 3461 P.I.F. S R M 16,509,981 13,555
P.I.F.    Ancient Aliens
East-Nagach 1966 P.I.F. Ancient Aliens 15,257,397 10,860
P.I.F.    Black Angels
Dinegu 3026 P.I.F. Black Angels 15,145,214 11,234
Cirgard 3040 P.I.F. ILION 14,613,561 11,382