36 rank

3,780,528,616 points

985,139 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
.Andreea.    H❍ɑℜɗɑ ɗℰ Aʊℜ
Arvahall 36 .Andreea. H❍ɑℜɗɑ ɗℰ Aʊℜ 3,780,528,616 985,139
.Andreea.    Will of The People
Cirgard 820 .Andreea. Will of The People 359,569,976 120,093
.Andreea.    T A B U
East-Nagach 463 .Andreea. T A B U 308,259,848 115,006
.Andreea.    Will of The People
Dinegu 1356 .Andreea. Will of The People 171,747,123 97,527
.Andreea.    Will of The People
Brisgard 1910 .Andreea. Will of The People 80,230,979 32,949