4071 rank

6,731,522 points

1,644 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Alexis the wise   
Arvahall 4071 Alexis the wise 6,731,522 1,644
Alexis the wise    Românii de peste tot
Brisgard 3718 Alexis the wise Românii de peste tot 5,655,904 1,448
Alexis the wise    The King's
Dinegu 3657 Alexis the wise The King's 5,593,002 1,396
Alexis the wise    The Sword Brothers
Cirgard 4110 Alexis the wise The Sword Brothers 2,482,999 1,055
Alexis the wise    Mi gata TERRA
East-Nagach 2885 Alexis the wise Mi gata TERRA 2,422,170 1,094