4275 rank

3,988,955 points

1,533 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Creationrudy    The best
Brisgard 3319 Creationrudy The best 8,361,448 3,440
Creationrudy    The bests
Arvahall 4275 Creationrudy The bests 3,988,955 1,533
Creationrudy    Creation
Cirgard 3973 Creationrudy Creation 2,842,614 1,299
Creationrudy    The best
Dinegu 4231 Creationrudy The best 1,769,405 971
Creationrudy    The Bests
East-Nagach 3172 Creationrudy The Bests 1,047,234 712