3342 rank

10,839,153 points

9,838 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Alexxyz    Ͳհҽ ⱮօղցօӀʂ
Dinegu 686 Alexxyz Ͳհҽ ⱮօղցօӀʂ 486,749,810 140,626
Alexxyz    S R M
Arvahall 2601 Alexxyz S R M 53,265,599 29,955
Alexxyz    Brotherhood of Steel
Cirgard 2532 Alexxyz Brotherhood of Steel 32,511,208 14,301
Alexxyz    Fontana di Trevi
Brisgard 3342 Alexxyz Fontana di Trevi 10,839,153 9,838
Alexxyz    ༺ BRAVE𒆜SQUAD ༺
East-Nagach 2652 Alexxyz ༺ BRAVE𒆜SQUAD ༺ 4,474,241 4,015