404 rank

792,818,085 points

122,337 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Alexios Invincibilul    Rage of the Dragons
Brisgard 404 Alexios Invincibilul Rage of the Dragons 792,818,085 122,337
Alexios Invincibilul    ~Forge of Empires~
Arvahall 588 Alexios Invincibilul ~Forge of Empires~ 754,730,641 132,836
Alexios Invincibilul    ORACOL
East-Nagach 275 Alexios Invincibilul ORACOL 531,293,575 98,424
Alexios Invincibilul    🔱SECOLUL XXI 🔱
Cirgard 564 Alexios Invincibilul 🔱SECOLUL XXI 🔱 529,019,371 98,859