2056 rank

55,788,130 points

9,804 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
gabi3333c    The Wolfs
Arvahall 2412 gabi3333c The Wolfs 58,862,925 10,091
gabi3333c    Roma Imperial
Brisgard 2056 gabi3333c Roma Imperial 55,788,130 9,804
gabi3333c    ps97
Cirgard 2120 gabi3333c ps97 47,687,204 8,929
gabi3333c    aass
East-Nagach 1419 gabi3333c aass 36,755,374 7,061
gabi3333c    aass
Dinegu 2406 gabi3333c aass 33,694,510 6,026