1087 rank

234,772,563 points

52,541 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
JustEol    tg jiu
Arvahall 1249 JustEol tg jiu 292,507,611 59,541
JustEol    The Colony
Cirgard 1087 JustEol The Colony 234,772,563 52,541
East-Nagach 775 JustEol TRANSYLVANY 168,559,477 41,512
JustEol    💪 Fast & Furious 💪
Brisgard 1398 JustEol 💪 Fast & Furious 💪 164,855,538 41,792
JustEol    💎Knights💎
Dinegu 1422 JustEol 💎Knights💎 158,026,910 40,196