3253 rank

9,748,161 points

8,546 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
elfucelrautacios    SHIELD
Dinegu 151 elfucelrautacios SHIELD 1,368,674,627 348,601
elfucelrautacios    VIITORUL
Arvahall 3354 elfucelrautacios VIITORUL 16,660,302 13,634
elfucelrautacios    Brotherhood of Steel
Cirgard 3253 elfucelrautacios Brotherhood of Steel 9,748,161 8,546
elfucelrautacios    Stix Knight's
Brisgard 3360 elfucelrautacios Stix Knight's 9,144,931 8,701
elfucelrautacios    Ancient Aliens
East-Nagach 2184 elfucelrautacios Ancient Aliens 8,979,744 8,736