467 rank

695,289,650 points

125,072 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Zbiridush    ☠SoulReapers☠
Cirgard 467 Zbiridush ☠SoulReapers☠ 695,289,650 125,072
Zbiridush    Happy
Arvahall 2753 Zbiridush Happy 40,700,485 14,437
Zbiridush    Ghildă paşnică
Dinegu 2465 Zbiridush Ghildă paşnică 34,646,612 14,363
Zbiridush    The Roman Empire
Brisgard 2865 Zbiridush The Roman Empire 20,086,830 6,408
East-Nagach 2818 Zbiridush 2,828,616 1,661