1033 rank

265,736,913 points

35,814 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
cclaudiu    Friends
Arvahall 1126 cclaudiu Friends 330,982,715 35,940
cclaudiu    Sons of Anarchy
Brisgard 972 cclaudiu Sons of Anarchy 299,482,316 35,069
cclaudiu    New Asgard
Cirgard 911 cclaudiu New Asgard 291,184,848 34,505
cclaudiu    <[TDK]>
Dinegu 1033 cclaudiu <[TDK]> 265,736,913 35,814
cclaudiu    ༺ BRAVE𒆜SQUAD ༺
East-Nagach 604 cclaudiu ༺ BRAVE𒆜SQUAD ༺ 217,452,452 31,065