48 rank

1,597,965,770 points

435,293 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Montell    Suicide Dragons
Dinegu 48 Montell Suicide Dragons 1,597,965,770 435,293
Montell    GETII
Arvahall 4407 Montell GETII 3,029,297 4,238
Montell    Sons of Anarchy
Brisgard 4058 Montell Sons of Anarchy 2,498,617 3,868
Montell    Vadu lui Traian
Cirgard 4200 Montell Vadu lui Traian 1,905,908 4,114
Montell    Ancient Aliens
East-Nagach 2861 Montell Ancient Aliens 1,587,895 4,486