2515 rank

26,658,996 points

14,093 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Cristi 2    Nebunii
Arvahall 592 Cristi 2 Nebunii 641,526,768 151,271
Cristi 2    Fontana di Trevi
Brisgard 2106 Cristi 2 Fontana di Trevi 48,839,585 24,774
Cristi 2    The Colony
Cirgard 2272 Cristi 2 The Colony 35,995,077 18,768
Cristi 2    Pui de Celt
East-Nagach 1474 Cristi 2 Pui de Celt 29,699,009 15,288
Cristi 2    The Morning After
Dinegu 2515 Cristi 2 The Morning After 26,658,996 14,093