2385 rank

35,120,343 points

6,083 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
gabi3333c    The Wolfs
Arvahall 2402 gabi3333c The Wolfs 60,306,765 10,132
gabi3333c    Roma Imperial
Brisgard 2046 gabi3333c Roma Imperial 57,478,458 9,885
gabi3333c    ps97
Cirgard 2121 gabi3333c ps97 48,012,169 9,007
gabi3333c    aass
East-Nagach 1401 gabi3333c aass 38,505,569 7,155
gabi3333c    aass
Dinegu 2385 gabi3333c aass 35,120,343 6,083