1667 rank

28,153,354 points

24,648 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
BigRedFoot    The Dark Side
Arvahall 1402 BigRedFoot The Dark Side 240,953,468 120,134
BigRedFoot    Halloren
Brisgard 2021 BigRedFoot Halloren 69,100,685 21,129
BigRedFoot    Dragons
Cirgard 2045 BigRedFoot Dragons 63,949,521 21,606
BigRedFoot    The Dark Side
Dinegu 2320 BigRedFoot The Dark Side 45,282,453 37,095
BigRedFoot    ”DACIA”
East-Nagach 1667 BigRedFoot ”DACIA” 28,153,354 24,648