1849 rank

18,470,327 points

8,734 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Bartolomeu Diaz    Army of the Pharaohs
Arvahall 323 Bartolomeu Diaz Army of the Pharaohs 1,312,134,397 337,252
Bartolomeu Diaz    ...🇷🇴...
East-Nagach 1849 Bartolomeu Diaz ...🇷🇴... 18,470,327 8,734
Bartolomeu Diaz    Army of the Pharaohs
Brisgard 3040 Bartolomeu Diaz Army of the Pharaohs 15,717,783 6,130
Bartolomeu Diaz    Peaky Blinders
Cirgard 3846 Bartolomeu Diaz Peaky Blinders 4,087,483 2,181
Bartolomeu Diaz    Craiova
Dinegu 5015 Bartolomeu Diaz Craiova 652,777 1,038