1545 rank

36,980,470 points

12,748 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
George12    ~Forge of Empires~
Arvahall 217 George12 ~Forge of Empires~ 1,764,183,967 355,982
George12    Unu si Una
Brisgard 1292 George12 Unu si Una 191,814,253 43,234
George12    ☘ Imperial Forge⚘
Cirgard 1318 George12 ☘ Imperial Forge⚘ 161,954,524 32,617
George12    Wind of Change
Dinegu 2290 George12 Wind of Change 47,150,628 13,077
George12    ”DACIA”
East-Nagach 1545 George12 ”DACIA” 36,980,470 12,748