1363 rank

40,553,925 points

21,292 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Cristi 2    Nebunii
Arvahall 446 Cristi 2 Nebunii 890,354,121 199,663
Cristi 2    Fontana di Trevi
Brisgard 1896 Cristi 2 Fontana di Trevi 72,399,170 34,909
Cristi 2    The Colony
Cirgard 2111 Cristi 2 The Colony 48,152,022 25,792
Cristi 2    Pui de Celt
East-Nagach 1363 Cristi 2 Pui de Celt 40,553,925 21,292
Cristi 2    The Morning After
Dinegu 2354 Cristi 2 The Morning After 36,642,393 19,101