227 rank

470,179,046 points

115,003 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Cirgard 31 MONA7 * FEARLESS * 2,042,192,594 522,224
MONA7    Legiunea I
Dinegu 325 MONA7 Legiunea I 684,473,358 160,273
MONA7    Quintessence Academy
Arvahall 587 MONA7 Quintessence Academy 592,172,061 146,616
MONA7    Tracia
East-Nagach 227 MONA7 Tracia 470,179,046 115,003
MONA7    Sons of Anarchy
Brisgard 596 MONA7 Sons of Anarchy 423,965,145 105,226