10018 rank

2,517,471 points

1,755 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
David the Builder    СКИФИЯ
Парког 849 David the Builder СКИФИЯ 229,169,013 58,105
David the Builder    Latgale
Брисгард 10974 David the Builder Latgale 3,340,402 2,596
David the Builder    LOVE
Нагах 10299 David the Builder LOVE 2,829,701 2,000
David the Builder    Prizm
Норсил 10018 David the Builder Prizm 2,517,471 1,755
David the Builder    KOLCHIDA
Лангендорн 15732 David the Builder KOLCHIDA 220,255 580
David the Builder    Царство Торговцев
Маунт Киллмор 15626 David the Builder Царство Торговцев 194,942 491
David the Builder    GEORGIA
Грейфентал 16780 David the Builder GEORGIA 97,910 437
David the Builder    accolada
Джаймс 18829 David the Builder accolada 35,396 108
David the Builder    borisg
Арвахал 25590 David the Builder borisg 28,010 155