1853 rank

10,550,858 points

4,131 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Kung Sture II    Tunet
Arvahall 1283 Kung Sture II Tunet 29,470,920 6,861
Kung Sture II    The End
Dinegu 1682 Kung Sture II The End 12,226,871 4,495
Kung Sture II    Forever lost
Brisgard 1853 Kung Sture II Forever lost 10,550,858 4,131
Kung Sture II    Sturion
Cirgard 1983 Kung Sture II Sturion 9,229,753 3,508
Kung Sture II    Pawn Shop
East-Nagach 1252 Kung Sture II Pawn Shop 3,799,716 2,059