1109 rank

58,931,338 points

8,943 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Roland The Big    mikel
Arvahall 961 Roland The Big mikel 68,048,461 10,922
Roland The Big    gök
Brisgard 1109 Roland The Big gök 58,931,338 8,943
Roland The Big    Biggus Dickus
Cirgard 1126 Roland The Big Biggus Dickus 57,709,933 8,725
Roland The Big    Senseis imperium
East-Nagach 529 Roland The Big Senseis imperium 54,996,219 9,074
Roland The Big    Avancium X
Dinegu 1085 Roland The Big Avancium X 51,225,263 8,369