369 rank

421,475,758 points

249,024 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
LOPEZ    ❤️ Nemesis ❤️
East-Nagach 47 LOPEZ ❤️ Nemesis ❤️ 1,432,338,243 443,013
LOPEZ    Scintilla ✨
Arvahall 127 LOPEZ Scintilla ✨ 1,194,526,805 363,752
LOPEZ    Red Valenta❤️
Dinegu 227 LOPEZ Red Valenta❤️ 582,693,951 313,931
LOPEZ    The Avengers 🇺🇦
Brisgard 283 LOPEZ The Avengers 🇺🇦 546,351,150 297,566
LOPEZ    ☕️ Kafferepet ☕️
Cirgard 369 LOPEZ ☕️ Kafferepet ☕️ 421,475,758 249,024