674 rank

143,404,595 points

18,236 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Egg the Despicable    Skärgården
Dinegu 674 Egg the Despicable Skärgården 143,404,595 18,236
Egg the Despicable    As you are
Brisgard 1553 Egg the Despicable As you are 21,094,500 5,562
Egg the Despicable    Highlander
Cirgard 2726 Egg the Despicable Highlander 1,641,681 1,407
Egg the Despicable    ☆ Sleepyy-Host ☆
Arvahall 2981 Egg the Despicable ☆ Sleepyy-Host ☆ 736,428 740
Egg the Despicable    Svenska soldaterna
East-Nagach 2326 Egg the Despicable Svenska soldaterna 205,865 519